Errors can be made in the following ways.
Some errors cannot be generated. In such cases, please create a stub at the merchant's side and check it.
1.Common response code
Status | Code | Test procedure |
400 | INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMS | Invalid request parameter |
401 | OP_OUT_OF_SCOPE | Use PayPay for Developers merchant ID, API key, and secret |
400 | MISSING_REQUEST_PARAMS | Please create a stub at the merchant's end. |
401 | UNAUTHORIZED | Specify invalid API key |
404 | OPA_CLIENT_NOT_FOUND | No test is required as this error does not occur |
429 | RATE_LIMIT | Please send at least 4 TPS requests If you cannot reproduce the problem, please create a stub on your end. |
500 | SERVICE_ERROR | Please create a stub at the merchant's end. |
500 | INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Please create a stub at the merchant's end. For Give Cashback to User, specify a string (e.g., "10a") in the "amount" field. |
503 | MAINTENANCE_MODE | Please create a stub at the merchant's end. |
2.Create Account Link QR Code
Status | Code | Test procedure |
400 | EXPECTATION_FAILED | Specify a scope other than the contracted one (e.g. direct_debit) as a scopes, or specify a domain that has not been applied to us as the domain of the redirectUrl. |
3.Get user authorization status
Status | Code | Test procedure |
400 | CANCELED_USER | Please make a request to the user who has unsubscribed We can provide test users. Please contact us ※Please do not cancel your membership as a PayPay for Developers test user. If you cancel your membership, you will not be able to use the service afterwards. |
401 | INVALID_USER_AUTHORIZATION_ID | Invalid userAuthorizationId |
4.Give Cashback to User
Status | Code | Test procedure |
400 | VALIDATION_FAILED_EXCEPTION | Please specify the same merchantCashbackId that you used once |
400 | FAILURE | No test is required as this error does not occur |
401 | INVALID_USER_AUTHORIZATION_ID | Invalid userAuthorizationId |
401 | EXPIRED_USER_AUTHORIZATION_ID | Please specify expired userAuthorizationId We will configure the settings on our end. Please contact us with the userAuthorizationId to be set. |
404 | RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND | Please specify a different walletType from the contract |
500 | UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS | Please create a stub at the merchant's end. |
5.Check Cashback Details
Status | Code | Test procedure |
200 | NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY | Please specify an amount greater than or equal to the balance of the advance receipt. We will adjust the advance balance.Please contact us to schedule a test. |
200 | BALANCE_OUT_OF_LIMIT | Please grant the balance so that the MoneyLight balance exceeds 1,000,000. This will not occur when granting PayPay points. |
200 | INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR | We will change the settings and generate the error. Please contact us to schedule a test. |
404 | TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND | invalid merchantCashbackId |
500 | UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS | Please create a stub at the merchant's end. |
6.Reverse a given cashback
Status | Code | Test procedure |
400 | VALIDATION_FAILED_EXCEPTION | Please specify the same merchantCashbackReversalId that you used once |
404 | TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND | Invalid merchantCashbackId |
500 | UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS | Please create a stub at the merchant's end. |
7.Reverse a given cashback
Status | Code | Test procedure |
404 | TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND | Invalid merchantCashbackReversalId |
500 | UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS | Please create a stub at the merchant's end. |