PreAuth & Capture
- Is there a function to receive as a temporary deposit like a security deposit and settle it when the transaction is completed?
- When is the status of the transaction updated?
- Can the amount be changed before it is fixed for PreAuth & Capture?
- What happens if the valid period of Pre-auth has passed? There will the amount blocked be refunded to the user?
- What is the maximum valid period of Pre-auth?
- Can I change the expiry date of shipment sales to "AUTHORIZED" after receiving payment?
- Is it possible to change the "AUTHORIZED" status in PreAuth & Capture to "COMPLETED" without using API?
- Tell me when deduction is conducted from users PayPay balance in the case of PreAuth & Capture.
- The "OP_OUT_OF_SCOPE" error occurs when using the Create a QR Code API in PreAuth & Capture. How can I handle it?
- The orderDescription of Capture a payment authorization is mandatory, unlike Create a Code. How will this be displayed to the user when set here? How would it be used if it is not visible to the user?
- If the users confirmation is required at the time of Capture (payment confirmation), how many hours do I have to obtain the users confirmation?
- If the amount at the time of capture is different from the amount at the time of Pre-auth What happens to the users action?
- When making a sale with an amount exceeding the increase amount, the user will be notified of consent. Is this notification going to the users PayPay application?